

A brutalist jewel nestled in a former art school


Brutalist meets cozy, cozy meets brutalist.
Crafted by Belgian artist and designer Lionel Jadot, our rooms are designed with honesty and comfort in mind. No ornamentation, no clutter, no excess. Here, raw materials like brick, concrete and plywood co-exist with clever sleeping arrangements, warm lighting and soft touches. Turns out brutalism doesn’t need to feel brutal at all.

Drinks & Food


Because sustainability is a marathon and not a sprint, we set ourselves realistic step-by-step measures to improve year by year. Currently we are in the process of obtaining a Green Key certification.

JAM Brussels

  • Chaussée de Charleroi/Charleroise Steenweg 132, 1060 Brussels, Belgium
  • +32 2 537 17 87
  • +32 470 13 21 84 (Whatsapp)
  • For group bookings of more than 5 rooms